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Case Study: How to Hit a Grand Slam With Location Data (video)

by | Jul 26, 2016 | BIA, Blog, Conferences

Denny’s has suffered from a “good problem to have”: too much familiarity among consumers. Many know the brand but hadn’t ordered a Grand Slam Breakfast in years. And many millennials aren’t engaged at all.

This was a challenge that Yext tackled recently, and detailed for us at BIA/Kelsey ENGAGE. It helped Denny’s optimize location data to drive local engagement among new (and lapsed) customers in a multi-screen world.

“With a fractured ecosystem, it’s increasingly important that a brand manage how it comes across on all these different sites,” said Yext Senior Manager of Business Development Tyler Donahue on stage.

This is particularly important for a multi-location business that operates on the scale of Denny’s. And the dynamics a location strategy are different with a franchised model where the execution is decentralized.

“All this had to happen in effectively managing the brand from a local perspective, all the way up through corporate,” said Donahue. Key factors were location data management, rich media and empowering franchisees.

And the results speak for themselves: 162 percent boost in page impressions and 64 percent increase in FB likes among other KPIs. More tactical details and outcomes can be seen in the full session video below.