U.S. Local Advertising Forecast
Reliable, Comprehensive, InstructiveBIA’s US Local Advertising Forecast
BIA meticulously monitors and analyzes advertising expenditure in the U.S. across diverse media channels and business sectors, at both local and national levels, in its U.S. Local Advertising Forecast.
Examine the ever-changing local advertising marketplace, identify revenue opportunities, develop successful business plans, and secure a larger share of local advertising revenue with a BIA forecast.

About the U.S. Advertising Forecast
The U.S. Ad Forecast offers a holistic picture of local advertising by capturing ongoing developments and analytical assessments within the economy and local business marketplace, as well as consumer and media trends and usage.
The forecast and analysis service covers all 210 TV markets and 253 radio markets. It provides revenue estimates for broadcast and digital media by 96 business verticals.
The U.S. Ad Forecast offers a view of the current year along with historical and future advertising revenue data and analysis. Revenue estimates for sixteen media are included in the forecast, representing traditional and digital media, by business verticals.
How Businesses Use the Forecast
Understand the market outlook now and in five years
Track share of wallet across media
Examine competition across digital and traditional media
Understand ad spend by media and vertical
Track media ad spend increases and declines
Effectively planning ad-selling strategies
Accessing U.S. Local Advertising Forecast
BIA offers flexible options to access the U.S. Local Advertising Forecast.
For a nationwide forecast view:
U.S. Local Advertising Forecast
PDF Presentation
U.S. Local Advertising Forecast: Nationwide View
PDF + BIA ADVantage Access
For a local market(s) forecast view:
BIA ADVantage
Local Market Intelligence
Custom Data
Contact us to discuss a custom data pull
Additional forecast views available:
Vertical Ad Revenue Forecasts
1 vertical across 16 media, for one local market or nationwide view
Media Forecast
1 media across 96 verticals for one local market or nationwide
Defining “Local”
BIA defines “local” as all media generating revenue by selling access to local audiences to all types of advertisers. including national and regional companies, and small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs).
“Local” audience advertising sales include buys specifying local and regional markets. Local spending is broken out into national/regional/local buyers investing in ad inventory in a specific market.
Our forecasts draw from BIA’s proprietary data; annual broadcast surveys; direct contact with companies, industry, and pulling company information in the public domain; and discussions with clients and non-clients about the direction and pace of development in the local media marketplace.