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Eyeing Voice Search For Local Businesses

by | Nov 9, 2018 | BIA, BIA ADVantage, Blog

How Can Local Businesses Be Found in Voice Search?

With Bernadette Coleman, CEO Advice Local

This is the latest in BIA Advisory Service’s Vantage Points series where we  tap the perspectives of various lookout points from around the local media and tech sectors. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect that of BIA Advisory Services. 

On Monday, Bernadette will be joining Celine Matthiessen VP of Insights and Analysis for a webinar on the  growth of voice search and other emerging trends from a business perspective for media companies. 

Alexa, Google Home, Siri, Cortana and other voice-enabled technologies are delivering answers or performing tasks at the request of consumers every day. While consumers may not yet make all their buying decisions via voice, the fact is that they are searching this way and it’s having an impact on how consumers will identify products and services and how advertisers may choose to spend their dollars.

Is voice search just the new cool thing to talk about? Or, is it a reality that all local businesses and brands need to embrace?

According Bernadette Coleman, CEO Advice Local, “Voice search is no longer in its infancy. Local businesses can’t afford to miss out on getting found through digital assistants.” Coleman says that the growth of Amazon’s Echo to over 30 million users along and Amazon Echo Skills have increased to 30,000 and Google Machine Learning 95% word accuracy is driving growth.




Attend this webinar for a valuable examination of the growth of voice search and other emerging trends from a business perspective for media companies.

The discussion will also include findings from BIA’s new U.S. SAM Survey™ that explains the priorities of local advertisers and their ad spending plans for 2019 as it relates to TV, radio, mobile, social and other top channels.

Register here.

Bernadette Coleman is the founder and CEO of search technology and local presence management company Advice Local. She specializes in content marketing, SEO social media and local search strategies for small and large companies.