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Franchisees Focus on Channel Overload, Training and Customer List Management

by | Mar 16, 2017 | BIA, Blog, SAM, SMBs

screen-shot-2016-10-13-at-3-02-55-pmChannel overload, training and list management are among the top local marketing challenges for franchisees according to the results of our Local Commerce Monitor™ survey of small businesses. Franchisees are a key segment of our survey because they are advanced in their marketing and unique in their challenges.  Top challenges include:

Channel overload. Franchisees report they use on average 20 different free and paid marketing channels, which can be overwhelming to manage.

Support. Two of the top four marketing resources franchisees would like from their franchisors relate to training: 33% want more training in digital marketing and 22.2% want more training in non-digital marketing.

List management. Fewer than half of franchisees that maintain customer lists use those lists for promotions.

According to Kandi O’Connor, COO of Vya a provider of local marketing systems that works with franchisees, “These challenges point to opportunities for franchise organizations to engage their franchisees and build a marketing culture at the local level. Creating turnkey, multi-touch local campaigns, enabling easy customization for local markets, and helping franchisees easily link their lists to marketing campaigns—these are just a few of the ways franchisors can give franchisees the support they need to be successful in their local markets.”

BIA/Kelsey recently completed a project for Vya to provide industry data to assist franchisors in developing campaign plans and marketing budgets for franchisees. That research is available for download here.

BIA/Kelsey’s Franchisee Advertising and Marketing Research Report provides essential insights into franchisee local marketing trends.