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From Atoms to Bits: The Online-To-Offline Imperative (video)

by | Feb 13, 2017 | Blog, Mobile-Social

Despite the tech media’s adoration for eCommerce, roughly 93 percent of U.S. retail spending happens in the offline physical world. But it’s increasingly influenced by digital means. This is the topic of a recent panel we ran.

The question then becomes, what’s the state of the art in driving all that offline action through location-targeted marketing? And it’s not just driving but tracking… which gets into the eternal question of offline attribution.

This continues to be a moving target, with various methodologies. From Foursquare’s “ground truth” check-in data to Empyr’s card-linked offers, there continue to be many developing flavors of offline commerce attribution.

See the entire panel discussion below and stay tuned for more commentary on this quickly evolving — albeit long-unsolved — segment of local commerce.