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Holding on to Good Ideas: Steven Johnson’s “Spark File”

by | Mar 7, 2016 | Blog, Conferences, Mobile-Social

They say ideas are cheap: It’s all about execution. But before you can execute, it’s all about documenting and synthesizing ideas. It doesn’t always require idea mapping software or even white board venn diagrams. Sometimes all you need is a good-old Google Doc.

That’s the admittedly low-tech but still immersive and effective method applied by idea guru Stephen Johnson (see video below). He knows a bit about the topic, being a leading visionary and author of “Where Good Ideas Come From.”

What does this have to do with local? Not much… but it addresses a universal challenge we all encounter in day to day pursuits of innovation and idea execution. More importantly, the always-solid Johnson will Keynote May’s BIA/Kelsey ENGAGE.

See the video below for his short & sweet monologue on his “spark file.”
