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Mobile Location Intelligence Fuels Lift in Local TV Campaigns

by | May 8, 2018 | BIA, Blog, Mobile-Social

Today’s marketers and agencies have been hard at work with media and data intelligence companies to develop audience targeting matched to strategic consumer segmentation profiles. The goal is to align audience targeted media buys with relevant creative messaging.

One challenge has been how to design high impact campaigns integrating the best of what local TV has to offer, ubiquitous reach and high audience engagement, with the targeting power that mobile brings with its breadth and depth of location intelligence. This is a big problem to solve.

As illustrated in the chart below, BIA forecasts that spending in local TV will grow from $20.8 billion this year to $22.9 billion in 2022. Meanwhile, mobile is fast approaching a 2x growth rate, rising from $22.1 billion this year to nearly $39 billion by 2022. With all that spend across these two dominant platforms, there must be a way to design high impact campaigns that integrate local TV with mobile-derived location intelligence.

TV-Mobile Ad Spend

According to a new report released by BIA Advisory Services, “while local television provides the broadest audience reach among media channels, location intelligence adds value to a television campaign by layering in audience targeting and the ability to tie outcomes to the campaign. Location targeting provides a performance-based buying model for marketers that ties offline and online media together in an integrated campaign execution.” The full report is available for free, compliments of GroundTruth.

Worth highlighting is a case study in the report about a “proximity video” type of campaign. It provides insights into the kinds of results that can be driven by combining local video with location intelligence.

  • The client, a casino and hotel operator, wanted to drive visits during an upcoming holiday. Using local video as the overlay to reach a broad audience, the client also mapped out a set of “meaningful locations” where they expected to find in-market audiences.
  • Mobile ads using location intelligence were targeted to these smartphone users in these locations.
  • The outcomes were very positive for campaigns with high lifts in clickthrough rates and store visits relative to benchmark data.

Location intelligence provides marketers with the ability to develop behavioral audience segments based on where they’ve been or where they are to influence them to visit a business, make inquiries, make a purchase, and achieve other campaign goals. After all, where you go is who you are. Adding television into the campaign mix adds reach and frequency, location targeted ads drive results and help marketers attribute specific ROI to the television spending.

Download the report here.