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NY State Ad Spend Expected to Reach $13.7 Billion in 2017

by | Jun 27, 2017 | BIA, Blog, Broadcast, Conferences, Local Advertising Forecast, Mobile-Social, Newspapers

At next month’s BIA/Kelsey LOCAL IMPACT: New York event we’ll be featuring a “share of wallet” session led by BIA/Kelsey’s Mark Fratrik joined by TVB’s Steve Sturm and comScore’s Steve Walsh to  dissect our recently released ad forecast. We’ll highlight the $13.7 billion in 2017 local ad spending in New York’s 10 media markets and where’s it headed by 2021. As we show below, Direct Mail is the top billing ad platform with a total in-state spend of $3.56 billion or 26.1% of total spend in New York state. Online spending at $1.78 billion (13%) is almost at parity with TV’s $1.82 billion (13.3%).  Newspaper and Mobile tie for 3rd place at $1.54 billion (11.3%). Rounding out the top 5 media platforms in New York’s media markets is Radio with 2017 spending expected to be $1.1 billion (8.1%). At the session, the panel will go beyond these 2017 estimates to analyze and debate trends out to 2021 in terms which media and advertising categories are going to see significant growth or face tough head winds ahead.

In addition to the ad forecast panel, we’ll dig deeper into the advertising marketplace with a featured session looking “Inside the Minds of SMB Advertisers,” where we’ll highlight results from BIA/Kelsey’s Local Commerce Monitor survey of small businesses. TVB’s Brad Seitter will examine how small businesses are investing marketing dollars in multiple channels from traditional to digital. Questions that will asked and answered include: How are SMBs making their determinations and what are their success indicators? Are media companies offering the most compelling packages?

Breaking the mold of traditional conferences, BIA/Kelsey’s LOCAL IMPACT event series are designed to be fast-paced, highly engaged opportunities for participants to get local market intelligence and meet and do business around the U.S. throughout the year. Our goal is to inform and empower participants to achieve greater Local Impact in their business strategies for serving local audiences and consumers. See the event and registration information here.
