In our Local Commerce Monitor™ (LCM) survey of small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) the use of social media by SMBs overall is strongly driven by Facebook. Seven out of ten SMBs in our full sample* report using at least one of the different social media platforms/formats. 57.4% of the SMBs in our full sample reported using a Facebook page for advertising and promotion, more than any other platform or type of media broken out in our survey. The next most-used social media was LinkedIn, which had a 39.2% utilization rate with the SMBs in our full sample.
For more on SMBs and social media, check out our infographic below:
* There are 1,010 SMB respondents in our full sample.
BIA/Kelsey’s LCM, Wave 19 reports can be purchased a la carte in the BIA/Kelsey eStore. Our LCM reports look at where particular SMBs (broken out by size, vertical, etc.) spend the most, as well as the top channels for marketing and advertising. Additionally, our reports provide analysis on the best product and service offers for highly coveted groups of SMBs.