by Suzanne Ackley | May 11, 2016 | BIA, Blog, Broadcast, Mobile-Social, SAM, SMBs
Smaller SMBs, otherwise known as Core SMBs in BIA/Kelsey’s Local Commerce Monitor™ (LCM) survey of small and medium businesses, spend an average $2,471 annually for advertising and promotion. As you can see in the table below, Core SMBs that use social...
by Suzanne Ackley | May 4, 2016 | BIA, Blog, SAM, SMBs
New businesses* are heavy users of free or (relatively) low cost advertising, according to BIA/Kelsey’s Local Commerce Monitor™ (LCM) survey of SMBs. While most of the small- and medium-sized businesses in the survey report using a Facebook page and website for...
by Celine Matthiessen | Apr 27, 2016 | BIA, Blog, SAM, SMBs
In our Local Commerce Monitor (LCM) Wave 19 survey of small businesses, when we look at small businesses who use direct mail, almost 60% pay a third party to manage their digital advertising. 30% of these small businesses say they use small, local digital agencies for...
by Suzanne Ackley | Apr 20, 2016 | BIA, Blog, SAM, SMBs
Size matters, when it comes to small- and medium-sized businesses, according to BIA/Kelsey’s Local Commerce Monitor™ (LCM) survey of SMBs. While the vast majority of SMBs surveyed prefer a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) model for digital advertising, there’s...
by Suzanne Ackley | Apr 13, 2016 | BIA, Blog, SAM, SMBs
In BIA/Kelsey’s Local Commerce Monitor survey of small and medium businesses, we divided SMBS into three groups: 1 employee (very small businesses), 2 to 9 employees (small businesses) and 10 to 99 employees (medium businesses). When comparing the SMBs in these three...