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What is Call Commerce and Why is it Important? (video)

by | Jan 25, 2017 | BIA, Blog, Mobile-Social

Voice has been catapulted in the smartphone era. The telephone is 140-years old but has only been recently reinvented, as it’s bolted to an always-handy search and discovery device.

This is the foundation of call commerce, the science of driving, tracking and optimizing voice calls as incoming business leads. And it influences $1 trillion in U.S. consumer spending.

This was the topic of a recent BIA/Kelsey white paper; and a webcast we held recently. Unlike slides & monologue-centric webinars, it was a dynamic video dialogue, and you can see the replay below.

BIA/Kelsey Chief Analyst Mike Boland led the discussion with Marchex SVP of Marketing and Consumer Insights, John Busby.

They dove deep on five burning questions for call commerce:

1. Why are phone calls and human connection important to commerce, even in a digital age?
2. Phone calls influence $1 trillion in U.S. consumer spending (mostly offline). What does that mean?
3. Where are calls coming from (search, social media, etc.)? And where are they going (high value verticals)?
4. How does call commerce fit into a multi-screen world?
5. What are best practices in call commerce and what does it mean for you?

Check out the replay video below


Let us know if you’re at the show in San Francisco in two weeks. I’ll be speaking at the event and we’ll have a team there to meet and have briefings with innovative companies.
