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What Will the Next Era of On-Demand Look Like? Part 2 (video)

by | Feb 17, 2016 | BIA, Blog, Conferences

What will “phase II” of the on-demand economy look like, and what were the lessons learned from phase I? Among other things, we’re seeing retraction, unicorn valuation adjustments, and an indication of which local service verticals make the most sense for on-demand.

In honor of this week’s BIA/Kelsey NOW, our featured video clip is the LODE discussion from the recent BIA/Kelsey NEXT. In part II of the series, we discuss the logistical systems and matching algorithms that are the lifeblood of on-demand.


We’ll dive deeper on this topic and all things LODE tomorrow at BIA/Kelsey NOW | Seattle. If you’d like to make the late call to join us, use the discount code NOW199 to knock the price down to $199.
