Updated in Q2 2024
Hispanic Radio Stations Directory

Thank you for choosing to download the Hispanic Radio Stations Directory. Use the buttons below to download the Directory (Excel format) and the companion report (PDF).

Message from BIA CEO & Founder, Tom Buono

“A recent report from Nielsen (Audio Today 2023: A Focus on Hispanic Consumers) reveals that radio now reaches more Spanish speaking consumers than any other media, making it the dominant platform to reach this vibrant audience.

At BIA, we spend a great deal of time tracking broadcast advertising revenue, and this finding makes us even more pleased to present this updated resource of Spanish-speaking stations.

Now in its second edition, we believe this resource reveals the opportunity for local radio to deliver Spanish language and Spanish-formatted content to an audience that continues to expand and become even more powerful.”

“Un informe reciente de Nielsen (Audio Today 2023: A Focus on Hispanic Consumers) revela que la radio ahora llega a más consumidores de habla hispana que cualquier otro medio, lo que la convierte en la plataforma dominante para llegar a esta vibrante audiencia.

En BIA, dedicamos una gran cantidad de tiempo al seguimiento de los ingresos por publicidad televisiva, y este hallazgo nos complace aún más presentar este recurso actualizado de estaciones de habla hispana.

Ahora en su segunda edición, creemos que este recurso revela la oportunidad para que la radio local entregue contenido en español y en formato español a una audiencia que continúa expandiéndose y volviéndose aún más poderosa.”

MEDIA Access Pro™ – Data Source for the Hispanic Radio Stations Directory

To develop the directory, BIA uses a subset of the full set of data BIA maintains in its well-respected Media Access ProTM (MAPro) broadcasting and publishing industry database.

MAPro delivers over two thousand fields of data on 30,000-plus organizations in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. BIA’s team of analysts and call out team are continuously updating MAPro, averaging 1,000 monthly updates.

To learn more about the data and services provided by MAPro, email info@bia.com or call 607-936-6737.